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The oriental Culture

The Cultures of the middle east and the orient make a big faszination tu us at many times. Everybody was bewitched sometimes in childhood about the stories about the Arabian Nights and have seen so the oriental secrets and mystics.
Egypts thousands of years old culture with many Artefacts like the Pyramids, Temples Tombs and Mummys looks fantastic for the people of the romans empire like us today. This suggest the Fantasy of the People about a long time ago and today too.
The Islamic Religion with many for Christians strange looking customs and rituals makes the oriental culture for us to an foreign culture.

The following Information may give you some help for understanding the oriental World and understanding some of your neighbour who can be a Moslem.


Chalive Graves in Cairo




The arabic letters looking for us like Chinese or Japanese letters and normaly you can not reed them.
But in different to them there is not only one symbol for each Word. Like our letters build some letters a Word. here now some translations from arabic to english for your travelling to the middle east and Norhafrica.



Here now a link to the Site of Shira (Julie Elliot). She lifes in Los Angeles Ca.
She offer many translations and Lyrics of arabic and turkish Songs to english language on her Page. Shira has linked also to the german language translations on this homepage.


People from Egypt

People from Egypt
Photographic portraits of the descendant of those persons them at the course the Nile constructed once gigantic temples and the world-famous pyramids.
Here those persons stand in the foreground, which often whould surveys about the culture of her ancestors.


Aquarell auf Papyrus

Gallery - with Aquarell painted Pictures from Said Bustany. Dancers and Impressions from Egypt


Alf Leyla wa Leyla

Gallery 1 - Pictures from the orient -Tell histories from about arabian nights. Reading you enchant and immerse in the mysterious picture-world of the orient. .



Gallery 2 - Tapestry from the orient - Skillfully to pictures tied Tapestrys with oriental motives are telling about the daily life of many ages


Mehndi Tatoo

First from India and the middle east comes the art of Mehndi - Hennapainting. More and more people in Europe and the USA prefer this kind of skins-art.

Some People send me her Henna-Designs you can see them with some Arts from Said Bustany in the Mehndi-Hennagallery.


The Basar
Orientalische Kochrezepte

Some oriental and Egyptian Recipes for prepairing good food. If you would like to organize an oriental party you require the culinary food of Arabia and Egypt.


the holy Coran

The Islam Do you know some about this big religion? Strangely - or about however much more familiared than you believe ? Just at this time very currently. The belief of the Islam and the culture which is behind it hides interests in the meantime always more people from the Industrialized countries.



Homepages with same Themes like this Side, the Islamic Religion, Egyptology, oriental Culture,Archeology and much more.



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